Tag Archives: sick

Everyone gets sick….

Everyone gets sick at some point in there life. Whether it’s a cold, the flu, or having a sore throat, we all have our “Kryptonite” of illnesses. Mine is headaches. Even before a headache turns into a migraine, you have the fear of being crippled. When you want to live under a dark rock where you can’t feel or hear anything you know it’s bad.

Now, saying all of this, one of the biggest complaints of the Haitians I’ve observed when receiving medical care is headaches. I am sure it is common in many countries from dehydration, lack of nutrients, muscle tension. I know I’ve talked about my headaches as a side affect from this fast, but I also know when I start eating properly on Saturday they are going to greatly diminish.

So whether your ‘Kryptonite’ of Illnesses is headaches, sore throats (which are almost as bad in my opinion) or the flu, consider having no medication and not getting to take the day off from work to rest.

Think about not being able to give your child tylonal when they have a fever or an ear infection. This has potential to forever cause damage….

… I know I getting a little off track with this post. I began to write it on Tuesday night was I was fighting (another) headache. I lost the fight and simply threw together all these thoughts going through my mind. This is the conclusion I came to:

If I was living in permanent pain, always having a headache or upset stomach, never waking up feeling great I would want someone to extend a hand…. Wouldn’t you?