The Nitty Gritty


The Background:

I have been to Haiti several times, both pre & post earthquake (2007-2011).  I have not been back to Haiti since the summer of 2011 when I backpacked through the country for three months.  Many people in Haiti need help and each trip I found opportunities to volunteer.  The people I met are beautiful and gracious despite their circumstances.  Although I haven’t been back for almost three years, I have maintained my commitment to help the people of Haiti.  I think of myself as using “First World” tools at home to help people living in their “Third World” community.

Haiti is truly were my heart is. Many of the experiences I had in Haiti were incredible and sometimes indescribable. The Haitian people are some of the most loving and giving people I have ever had the opportunity to interact with. Making a difference in even a few lives is like throwing a handful of pebbles into a pond. The ripple effect is unimaginable.

The difference I am choosing to make in the quality of life of the Haitians is nothing compared to the impact they have made in my life forever. 

The Rules of the Fast: 

For the entire month of February I will be fasting to raise money for Haiti. Here are some of the rules.

I will be giving up all food with the exception of 1 measured cup of rice and beans daily. This represents what an average child in Haiti eats … if they are lucky.  Most children in third world countries do not even receive a daily meal and don’t know where their next meal is coming from.  With inadequate nourishment, they try to survive and still go about with their daily lives.  So, I will continue working and meeting my other obligations this month as if I am eating regularly.

I will be allowing myself to have black coffee and tea. It is better for everyone around me if I do not give up caffeine at this point.

I will also be juicing fruits & vegitables in the mornings for breakfast. I am hoping this addition will prevent me from becoming as ill as I did last year. 

Occasionally I will be allowing myself to have a banana or mango. This will not be on a daily basis and will be saved for sick days, or if I have to take any medicine.


Ways you can help:

1) Pray – Time and time again it has been proven that prayer is the most powerful ally. There is no such thing as “only” being able to pray. Prayer is the number one factor for successful fundraisers.

2) Fast – and raise funds! Set your own expectations and give up what you feel is right for you. Saving five dollars a day on a coffee, fast food or a snack raises $140 in February.

3) Donate – amounts over $30 are tax deductible. All cheques are made out to Faith & Love Children’s Ministry

4) Spread the word!!! Knowledge is power. The more people that know = the more lives changed. 

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